The 1000 Journals Project

The 1000 Journals Project

I have always been fascinated by 1000 journals project.  Browsing the website I enjoy the raw, unmediated creativity of it. Since the project started there has been a film made about it and a book produced. Today I thought I would share some links to this inspirational site

Graphic designer Brian Singer who goes by the name “Someguy” purchased blank journals real, physical book kind of blank journals and released them into the world in the summer of 2000 in other words he gave them to friends, left them public places such as coffee shops, book stores,libraries, park benches.The project is described as “…an ongoing collaborative experiment attempting to follow 1000 journals throughout their travels.” Inside each book the instructions are to write or draw in them, then scan and email the page spread before passing them on. The photos where published on the 1000 journals project website.

Although the journals are tracked on the website many have not returned. Andrea Kreuzhage a film maker discovered the stories and set about finding out what had become of them and made a film out of it.

Here the trailer launches with the question Where did your creativity go?

Here 1000 Journals Titles Sequence

If you want to know more about the people behind this project here is an interview by Matt McClure Interviews Andrea Kreuzhage

Visit 1000journalsfilm for info about the movie

On Youtube there is an interview with project organiser “Someguy” at AFI (American Film Institute) Fest

The book about the 1000 Journals Project

The 1000 Journals Project the book highlights page spreads from the project containing a has a myriad of different people’s writings, sketching, photographs and ephemera collaged to the pages. I have the book and enjoy the eyecandy factor very much. The book is a beautifully produced facsimile in the same style of casing as the original journals including in some cases machine stitching designs on the page spreads as the originals had been done. The book is not an instructional book at all but an inspirational treat that makes a great gift for creative people who have an interest in journaling.

The project is inspirational in nature and the website for the 1000 Journals Project never fails to stimulate me. Make a cuppa and enjoy the eye candy.


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