Open Chain Stitch

a member of the chain stitch family

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Open chain stitch used in crazy quilting

Open chain stitch also known as ladder stitch, square chain stitch, and Roman chain stitch. Open chain stitch is a variation of, and worked in a similar manner to chain stitch.

You can work Open chain stitch in either an open or closed manner by adjusting the spacing between the stitches.

A large variety of threads can be used from the finest yarn to ribbon. The size of the stitch will depend on the weight of the thread used.

It can be used to couch down cords, narrow ribbons or other threads.

For decorative effect, beads, a French knot or Colonial knot can be placed in the centre of each chain or you can weave a bulky thread in an out of the stitch.

a step by step illustration of how to work open chian stitch

Work this stitch over two imaginary lines. It is useful to mark the fabric with two parallel guide-lines using a water dissolvable marker or fade out fabric marker.

Bring the needle up through the fabric on the left hand side and hold the thread with the left thumb.

Insert the needle on the right hand side. Take the needle through the fabric and bring it out to left of the line to be stitched.

With the thread wrapped under the needle point pull the needle through the fabric.

Insert the needle on the right hand side inside the loop, and take the needle through the fabric to the left of the line to be stitched. This action starts the next stitch.

Chain stitch Family:

There are many other stitches in this group. The stitches that I have listed here in the chain stitch family are: