Reverse Chain Stitch

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step by step instructions for Broad chain stitch

Reverse chain is also known as Broad chain stitch.

It can be worked on even-weave or plain fabrics and creates a bold line. A thread which has a firm twist will hold the shape of the line created by the stitches better than a soft thread.

Sew this stitch a downwards direction.

step by step instructions for Broad chain stitch

Start by working a detached chain stitch upside down. After this first stitch bring the needle out of the fabric further along the line at the base of the detached chain. Leave enough space for one chain stitch. Slide the needle under the base of the chain but not through the fabric and take the needle back down through the fabric where it came out.

Repeat this along the line. When stitching don’t pull too tight and you will get a good shape to each chained loop.

step by step instructions for Broad chain stitch

Chain stitch Family:

There are many other stitches in this group. The stitches that I have listed here in the chain stitch family are: