Stefan Baumann classes on YouTube

Stefan Baumann classes on YouTube

Stefan Baumann creates videos of many of his classes. They are great online resources that people can view. This one is a gem as he launches into a talk about what is take to become an artist and how to develop your style. The video starts out with a discussion about colour charts and colour wheels then develops from there. Stefan Baumann is very real teacher (although he calls himself a coach) and I always enjoy his forthright manner as he usually hits the nail on the head . Make a cuppa and take some time to watch. It is just over 20 minutes but I am sure you will get up from the computer with more than one nugget of gold.

I hope you enjoy it!

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  1. He’s great, isn’t he? Lots I recognise there.:) Thanks for sharing this, I will have to stay plugged in and go and google him now though! 🙂

    Jules Woolford

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