This block has a crazy patchwork foundation of both natural and synthetic fabrics. Most of the fabrics came from swaps with other quilters who enjoy crazy quilting. Buttons are a mix of old and new and the lace has been dyed by me.
The lace in the top left hand corner is actually cheap synthetic stuff dyed first and then I picked out the design and emphasised it using stem stitch and french knots. The base of the lace I couched some gold cord.
In the top right hand corner a buttonhole variation is topped with alternating combinations of cast on stitch and bullion knots worked in a hand dyed cotton thread. Seed beads interspersed with stitching lift the area.
The bottom right corner has a row of stitches which is a variety of up and down feather stitch worked in hand dyed silk thread. The spines of the stitch are bullion knots and each spine has a straight stitch at the centre worked in a dull metallic thread.
Diagonally across the bottom left corner is velvet ribbon couched on with herringbone which has been interlaced with silk ribbon and a bead at the top. Along the bottom edge is an arrangement of straight stitch, french knots and seed beads.
The lace motif butterfly is beaded with seed beads. The floral spray across the block is worked in silk ribbon embroidery interspersed with buttonhole wheels and the daisy like shapes are an arrangement of bullion knots with a detached chain wrapped around them.
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