
I am a textile artist interested in the connection between textiles and technology. This site and the panels created in association with it set up a series of looped relationships between the virtual the artificial and the real.

This project is part of the "Craft is Dead -Long live Craft" exhibition held at the Craft Victoria Gallery in Melbourne between the 21st of May to the 13th of June 1998. This exhibition is part of the Next Wave Festival in May 1998.

Images within this site are created from digitally manipulated scans of the textiles that are in the "real" show. I have constructed this site as a series of images which act in relationship. There are a number of ways to navigate this site which the viewer is asked to discover. Not only am I interested in teasing out ideas associated with the value of the 'original' object but at the same time I was intrigued by the shift in reading that occurs when you encounter the images in a different order.

For more information about this project I have included a brief statement in the site. In order to visit that page click here.

Please note: This site was archive as published in 1998

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